Create eLearning New Release Adds Language Options
Glasgow (SCO), April 2016 - The latest version of Create eLearning’s learning-management system (LMS) allows learners and administrators to access it via languages other than English. The new version of the Create eLearning platform (release 4.1.8) incorporates enhanced reporting of course completion and users’ skills, as well as enhancements to the platform when accessed from mobile devices.
In addition, all the features of the LMS can now be accessed in Polish as well as English.
Carol-Ann Stevenson, Head of the Customer Success Team at Create eLearning, said, "As a result of customer demand, the platform is now available in Polish – and German, French, Spanish, and Arabic language options are also being launched."
The Create eLearning platform is an LMS that claims to be "like Netflix for training and coaching". The mobile-friendly eLearning portal allows users to build, host, deliver, and track eLearning, as well as unite all their online training and coaching. The LMS software can be accessed in the cloud, offline, and off-grid – and it is SCORM compliant.
Founded by Mark Taggart, Create eLearning’s LMS makes it easy for users to understand all the skills and competencies within their business - and spot the gaps. It also allows users to build classes quickly and efficiently; build once and use over and over; track all training, coaching, and mentoring activities and investments in one place; report on progress; link back to profit, customer satisfaction, and efficiency; as well as make it easy for the best practices happening within their business to be more widely circulated.
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