Learning & Development

Looking Ahead to a New Decade of Learning

North Woodchester (UK), February 2011 - The British Charity Learning Consortium has collected comments from some of its members about the challenges they've faced in the last decade in learning and development (L&D) and invited them to indulge in a little crystal-ball gazing on the industry's future. Read on to find out what Martin Baker, Laura Overton, Peter Honey, Ian Ross, and the charity L&D managers think is in store for a new decade of learning.

"In the last decade, I have really noticed the impact of Generation Y on how I think about technology. Young people just don't have the same barriers to learning online. In the past, natural leaders were captains of school sports team - now young people lead virtual teams online through gaming. In the future, the challenge for L&D professionals is to harness this ability for young people to combine using technology so readily, whilst developing old- fashioned skills like leadership and communication, and transfer this into the corporate world."

Martin Baker
, founder and Managing Director of the Charity Learning Consortium

"L&D in the last decade has been playing 'catch-up'. My prediction for the next decade is that the game of catch-up will continue; technological advances will continue to outpace our ability fully to grasp their implications for L&D. Exciting times!"

Peter Honey
, occupational psychologist, management trainer and Learning Styles 'guru'

"Looking back over the last ten years, L&D is now using technology in learning more than ever, with the recession fuelling a renewed interest in delivering more for less. But despite massive advancements in tools and approaches, by and large our attitudes to learning innovation haven't shifted much beyond the stand-alone course. Looking forward, we won't have the luxury of ignoring the innovations around us; L&D will have a choice to make: either to continue to ignore it (and risk being ignored), or to embrace it and be part of the solutions that their business needs."

Laura Overton
, Managing Director, Towards Maturity

"The past decade of charity learning has itself been one of learning and development. This is exemplified by the innovative use of new and improving technologies, leading to exciting new learning platforms such as the TED format, which thoroughly engage tomorrow's audience."

Ray Gorman
, Training Programme Manager, Engineers Without Borders UK

"In the past we have been fruitlessly searching for the illusive answer to 'What is the ROI on this learning intervention?' I hope that growth in eLearning during a recession means that when our belts are loosened and the focus shifts from relentless cuts, eLearning will be in a position to prove its worth by returning on our expectations. After all, the expectation on eLearning over the last decade to do anything other than cut costs and meet compliance has hardly been high. Luckily, good-sense blended-learning approaches have reached mainstream during the recession and should help us smash those myths about eLearning when the focus turns to 'What did we learn?' "

Ian Ross
, Learning Technologies Manager, Charity Learning Consortium