eLearing Guild Report

Mobile Learning: Landscape and Trends

Santa Rosa, CA (USA), June 2011 - Mobile learning is a transformative opportunity both for learning and the learning organization. Mobile learning means both augmenting formal learning and moving to performance support, informal, and social learning.

The actual implementation of mLearning is growing faster in some capabilities than others. According to eLearning Guild research data collected from members worldwide, the use of mLearning for social networking and communication is more prevalent than it is for the development of custom applications.

Thus 38.1% of organizations are either implementing, designing, or building the business case for social networking and only 25.7% for custom application development. Of those who have conducted an mLearning implementation, 50% are seeing positive returns.

In this report, author Clark Quinn begins his examination of mobile learning by establishing a foundation with some context and a discussion of devices and major categories of application. He then analyzes eLearning Guild research data about how people are currently using mobile and discusses implementation issues before taking a look to the future.

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