
Two White Papers from Questionmark

Norwalk, CT (USA), February 2011 - The increasing use of wikis, blogs, and portals as learning environments has brought the use of embedded assessments to the fore as a way to help learners remember more and forget less. How can this new trend work for your organization? How will it impact the way you use online surveys and quizzes? And how can it help improve learning? Two free white papers from Questionmark offer insights and practical tips about using assessments effectively in a fast-changing world.

Embedded Assessments: Building Knowledge Checks, Surveys and Other Assessments into Learning Materials explains how you can gives learners the opportunity to instantly check their knowledge or register their opinions to improve their learning experience.

This white paper will

  • explain the basics of embedded assessments;
  • describe their value to learners and instructors;
  • provide examples of where such assessments can be used;
  • explore how they might help shape the future of learning.

Assessments through the Learning Process covers the entire range of low, medium and high-stakes assessments, explaining appropriate uses for everything from self-diagnostic tools to certifications. This comprehensive paper helps readers develop high-quality surveys, quizzes, and tests, as well as deliver them in appropriate ways and analyze their results.