Market Test

New Happy Book Released as Beta

London (UK), July 2010 - The Happy Manifesto, the second book from training company Happy Ltd, has been released in an online beta version. The idea is that, as with software, the book be market tested before publication, with readers suggesting changes and even stories from their own experience.

Publishing the new book in beta version is a new experiment. The aim is to get hundreds of people to read it and make suggestions before going to full publication. "This book is not just based on what has made Happy a great place to work", explains founder Henry Stewart, "it also includes lessons from many of the other great workplaces - including Google, Gore, and Microsoft."

"The book is full of examples and stories. They range from simple examples that you can put into practice straight away, such as pre-approving projects, to examples of how to change the structure of your organisation to make your people more effective."

"There are huge numbers of firms out there now putting into practice the idea of building organisations based on trust and freedom for their people", continues Henry. "I want to collect lots more stories and examples to make this book a real tool to help improve how people work.

"Hundred of people downloaded our first book, Relax!, and we've sent them all the link to download The Happy Manifesto. Two thirds of those who opened the email have now downloaded the book, so I am hoping for lots of feedback."