Webinar on Overcoming Challenges in Using Gamification
Mumbai (IN), February 2017 - Tata Interactive Systems (TIS), a global provider of learning solutions, will host a free webinar titled "Gamification: Going beyond Hype", 23 February 2017 at 13:00 GMT.
The webinar, led by Priya Thiagarajan, VP-TIS, Simulations and Games, will delve into why there is still skepticism about the actual effectiveness of gamification. The webinar will explore the challenges in using gamification and how it can be used to create an immersive and social environment for sustained learning.
"TIS has seen a lot of success with its gamification solutions, but we still hear clients express doubts about whether gamification is truly effective. TIS's sound design principles and strong understanding of gamification mechanics have enabled us to overcome the various pitfalls in creating gamification solutions. Through this webinar, we hope to be able to share our expertise and help companies reap the full benefits of gamification," says Priya.
Key takeaways from the webinar will be
- the key genres and mechanics of gamification
- the challenges with gamification
- best ways to overcome gamification challenges
- expectations of the next generation of gamification
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