Free Online Courses Offered by Study Academy
London (UK), November 2020 - Workers are being offered a spark of hope as UK redundancies hit their highest level in more than a decade. Study Academy, an online training provider, offers thousands of courses to help people and organisations upskill, re-train, or simply learn something new.
The company has recently announced that over the next six months, it's giving away more than 50,000 courses to help people who have lost their jobs or have found themselves unemployable during the Covid pandemic.
The move comes as the Office for National Statistics has revealed that UK redundancies have reached their highest since 2009 - with the added issue of more people competing for the same jobs, as roles are moved online and become less localised.
As the UK faces a difficult winter, with tougher local lockdowns being introduced and an increasing strain on thousands of already vulnerable jobs, this opportunity couldn't have come at a better time.
Hoping to combat the trend, organisers hope this new initiative will help people get back on the job ladder or give them something to work for during a time of great uncertainty.
"We are really proud to be launching this initiative, and we have some fantastic corporate sponsors behind us. At times of difficulty, we all need to come together and do our part. We aim to donate 50,000+ courses over the next six months to support those in unemployment. Each person will have access to over 20 courses each. The courses will boost their skill set and their CV, ultimately making them more employable," said John Loveday, Founder.
"The initiative is for anyone who has lost employment or is struggling to get a job during the Covid pandemic."
And, with the support of corporate sponsors, Study Academy hopes to change the lives of thousands of people, without them having to pay a penny or commute away from their homes.
Courses range from business management and counselling to media and marketing, all the way through to beauty and finance. So, whether people are looking to simply boost their CV with a little help, or learn a new trade altogether, there is a course online for everyone.
Opportunities to join the free initiative will be given through local job centres, career hubs, and more.
Don't forget, you can help and change a life. Study Academy is still looking for more corporate sponsors as it navigates this new initiative: the more courses that can be funded, the higher the number of people who will be able to change their lives for the better. So, why not become a corporate sponsor and be the reason for someone getting back on their feet?
Sponsorship is just £1 per course, with no limit on how many courses are sponsored.
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