Mind Tools Supports Save the Children Charity
London (UK), November 2022 - Until 31 December 2022, Mind Tools will be donating £10 to Save the Children for every completion of their Learning Performance Benchmark.
Mind Tools' Learning Performance Benchmark is a free, independent, and confidential L&D comparison tool that is designed to measure an organization's performance on the global L&D market and boost learning maturity scores. For nearly twenty years, more than 10,000 L&D professionals have turned to the benchmarking tool to help refine their organization's learning strategy.
By completing the Benchmark, organizations will gain rich insights to help them become top-performing organizations, whilst also being able to support Mind Tools' charity of the year, Save the Children. The global charity focuses on keeping children safe, healthy, and learning.
John Yates, Mind Tools’ CEO, commented, "I'm very excited for Mind Tools to be supporting the great work Save the Children do to ensure that every child has the opportunity to learn. Through completing the Learning Performance Benchmark, L&D professionals can enhance their L&D strategies and help children learn across the globe at the same time.
"With a New Year approaching there is no better time to reflect on your organization's L&D strategy, so I warmly encourage everyone to complete the Benchmark by the end of the year!"
A £10 donation will be made to Save the Children when the Learning Performance Benchmark has been completed.
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