Record-Breaking Attendance at Learning Technologies 2024
London (UK), May 2024 - Learning Technologies 2024 took place in London in April. It was a record-breaking event with 11,000 visitors. Key themes were using artificial intelligence to solve practical problems and the focus needed from L&D on business.
Learning Technologies, one of the world's largest events on workplace learning tech, ran last month: a two-day exhibition and conference for learning and development and HR professionals. Some 11,000 people attended the exhibition, a record-breaking total. At the conference running alongside, there were over 1,000 delegates and almost 100 expert speakers.
HR Technologies, co-located at the event for the first time in 2023, was a larger part of the show this year with an increase in presence from top HR-tech companies. HR Technologies is now firmly established as an important feature of the event.
There was a call for focus from L&D on business led by Learning Technologies Conference Chair, Donald H Taylor, who explained the challenge for L&D: "The top priority for L&D in the year ahead is focus. There's so much noise around things, including AI, that it's easy to get distracted. That won't do anybody any favours. Stay focused on the business strategies and how to support them."
AI and how to utilise it to solve practical problems stood out as the dominant theme of the event.
The following are quotes from participants:
- Danny Abdo, Skillable - "AI is really changing the way we have to think about learning."
- Helen Marshall, Thrive - "We're honing in on what the problems that people are facing are and how to utilise AI to solve them.”
- Lars Hyland, Totara - "The challenge is linking learning and development activity to business needs and objectives."
- Ben Laycock, Valamis - "AI is a massive opportunity, but also a massive challenge."
- Martin Hallworth, Talent Manager, IBM - "AI is going to give us the opportunity to focus on the things that we're really good at and that's people engaging with people."
- Event organiser, Mark Penton - "We'd like to thank everyone who took part in this year's show, our 25th celebration of Learning Technologies. We hope you enjoyed visiting and will return to work full of ideas and inspiration for the year ahead."
Learning Technologies returns in 2025, 30 April-01 May. Before then, the organisers are planning the annual Learning Technologies Autumn Forum, to be announced shortly.
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