Speexx Named One of the World's Top EdTechs by TIME
Munich (GER), May 2024 - Speexx, a top-level people development platform, has fortified its leading role in the industry by being named as one of the world's top twenty edtech companies in 2024 by TIME and global data firm Statista.
Statista's rigorous methodology includes data from company applications, analysis of annual reports, media monitoring, and a partnership with the insights platform HolonIQ. The result is a list that recognizes companies that demonstrate tremendous industry impact and strong financial performance.
"Speexx is incredibly proud to be ranked by TIME and Statista as the nineteenth best edtech company on the planet and fifth best in Europe. This high position is testament to the vital role Speexx plays in the SaaS and edtech industries, and it further establishes our position as a leading people development platform. It's also a remarkable achievement for a European tech company to be ranked so highly. In times of AI disruption, this distinction is a significant accolade for our products' innovative contributions to the industry and our continued growth." said Jörg Koberling, CEO of Speexx.
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