Valamis and Task to Deliver LMS to BAMA Gruppen AS in Norway
Joensuu (FI), May 2024 - Valamis, a Core Leader on the Fosway 9-Grid™ for Learning Systems, and its Norwegian partner Task are proud to announce Valamis' entry into the Norwegian market with their new customer, BAMA Gruppen AS, one of Norway's largest private distributors of fruit and vegetables.
The collaboration between Valamis and Task underscores a unified commitment to delivering comprehensive learning and development solutions tailored to the needs of Nordic organizations.
BAMA Gruppen AS has selected Valamis as their learning management system (LMS) to drive their initiative towards becoming a learning efficient organization. By implementing Valamis' LMS solutions, BAMA aims to enhance talent retention and capability building, positioning themselves as a top-tier employer in the region.
"We are happy to welcome BAMA Gruppen AS into the Valamis family. This partnership is not only a testament to the robustness of our LMS solutions, but also aligns with our core values of promoting continuous learning and development," says Jussi Hurskainen, CEO of Valamis. "With BAMA Gruppen AS as our new customer, Valamis expands its already strong foothold within the FMCG industry. As a Finnish company, we share many Nordic values with our Norwegian friends, which makes this collaboration even more special."
"Although Norway is a mature LMS market, Valamis manages to attract attention. Valamis brings something new and interesting to the table. This particularly applies to Valamis' ease of use and capabilities to support strategic competence development. We look forward to following Bama on their learning journey," added Stig Robert Larsen, CEO of Task.
With this new venture, Valamis and Task are excited to bring scalable and innovative learning solutions to Norwegian organizations, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and development across industries.
Digitale Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderung – das Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz, das im Juni 2025 in Kraft tritt, soll sicherstellen, dass auch digitale Angebote inklusiv gestaltet sind. Was das für E-Learning-Anbietende bedeutet, welche erfolgreichen Praxisbeispiele es gibt und wie die Rechtslage ist, erfahren Sie vom 6. bis zum 8. Mai 2025 bei der LEARNTEC, Fachmesse und Kongress in Karlsruhe.