Kahoot! and TED are Supporting Professionals to Thrive at Work
Kahoot! is used in organizations worldwide, from start-ups to global enterprises, to make training, communication, and presentations more engaging and impactful. TED@Work, the learning and development solution designed to bring the inspiration of TED Talks into the workplace, is now available for free with its own dedicated channel on Kahoot!. Together, Kahoot! and TED@Work create a unique synergy that amplifies impact and drives lasting change—benefiting both employers and employees.
"At Kahoot!, we’re passionate about empowering people to learn, grow, and reach their full potential," said Eilert Hanoa, CEO of Kahoot!. "Through the partnership with TED, we now bring their world-renowned talks to our platform, giving adult and professional learners everywhere the tools to build critical skills while making learning more engaging, accessible, and impactful."
"Learning is most impactful when people genuinely enjoy the experience and are inspired by the content," said TED@Work Senior Director, Darby Coleman. "We’re excited to partner with Kahoot! to create a truly unique approach to learning, connecting TED Talks with their innovative and engaging platform."
Kahoot! and TED kicked off their partnership with the launch of innovative learning content for young learners from TED-Ed on the Kahoot! platform in December 2024.
Auf der LEARNTEC – Europe’s #1 in digital learning – werden vom 6. bis 8. Mai 2025 in Karlsruhe die Top-Trends, Tools und Innovationen rund um digitales Lernen vorgestellt. Und wer sich darüber hinaus für moderne Arbeitskultur, agile Methoden, New Leadership & Co. interessiert, sollte unbedingt auch auf der parallel stattfindenden NEW WORK EVOLUTION vorbeischauen. Jetzt ein Freiticket sichern!