Hands-On Robotics Teaching also Works Online
Bremen (GER), December 2021 - COVID-19 has helped online teaching make a breakthrough at many universities. But how do teachers cope with the pandemic in practice-oriented courses such as robotics, where working in the lab has been considered essential and indispensable until now? This is what two scientists at Jacobs University Bremen have been investigating. The work of Andreas Birk, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and psychologist Dora Simunovic was recently published in the "IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine".
» MOREOne in Three Students Undertaking Additional Training
Berkshire (UK), August 2021 - New research from the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) reveals one in seven (71%) Gen Zers (aged 16-24 year olds) believe they have missed out on development opportunities due to learning disruptions caused by the pandemic. Furthermore, over a third (36%) say they feel less confident in their ability since the pandemic, and 35% have undertaken additional training amid post pandemic job market concerns.
» MOREEmpathy Concert and Perspectives
Saratoga Springs, NY (USA), April 2021 - Since April 2020, Elliott Masie and Broadway Star Telly Leung (Aladdin, Glee, Rent, Allegiance) have co-hosted over two dozen one-hour Empathy Concerts. Together with many guest Broadway performers and business/learning leaders, they have explored the many facets of Empathy during this intense time of crises in our world: COVID-19; racial and social injustice; working and schooling from home; the volatile U.S. election, etc.
» MOREeCom Counters Covid-19's Adverse Effects on L&D
Dunfermline (SCT), February 2021 - As Covid-19 continues to have a major effect on the UK's economic activity - encouraging both remote working and remote learning - eCom Scotland is discovering a growing appetite among customers for ready-made eLearning materials.
Online Learning Booms in the Wake of COVID-19
Cirencester (UK), February 2021 - With online learning now the only game in town as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, the full impact on the learning technology market is assessed for the first time in the new 2021 Fosway 9-Grid™ for Learning Systems. Recently released by Fosway Group, a leading European HR industry analyst, the research highlights the significant consequences of the shift to remote working and learning.
Business schools Are Looking to a New Era of Education Technology
London (UK), February 2021 - Business school leaders have shown that their institutions have been both pragmatic and agile in the face of 2020's disruption, according to The Association of MBAs and Business Graduates Association (AMBA & BGA) Education Technology Research, in association with Barco.
» MOREVirtual Classrooms Are Powering Learning
Cirencester (UK), January 2021 - New research shows that virtual classrooms are powering learning through the pandemic, but still have untapped potential for high value people development. Some 97% of organisations are now using virtual classrooms to support learning and development, with over half (53%) reporting that they have proved to be the most successful learning platforms during the COVID-19 crisis.
» MORECorona-Impfungen: WHO trainiert mit Hilfe des HPI
Potsdam, Dezember 2020 - Mit Unterstützung des deutschen Hasso-Plattner-Instituts (HPI) hat die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) damit begonnen, medizinisches Personal aller Mitgliedsländer für schnelle und sichere Impfungen gegen das Coronavirus zu trainieren. Auf der Internet-Lernplattform OpenWHO, die das Potsdamer Institut bereitstellt und betreut, schaltete die Genfer Organisation dazu einen zweistündigen Kurs in englischer Sprache frei.
» MEHRFree Online Courses Offered by Study Academy
London (UK), November 2020 - Workers are being offered a spark of hope as UK redundancies hit their highest level in more than a decade. Study Academy, an online training provider, offers thousands of courses to help people and organisations upskill, re-train, or simply learn something new.
» MOREUdemy for Business Surpasses $100 Million Annual
San Francisco, CA (USA), November 2020 - Udemy, one of the largest global marketplaces for learning and teaching online, has announced that its corporate learning solution, Udemy for Business, has scaled from $1 million to $100 million annual recurring revenue (ARR) in just five years.
» MOREAuf der LEARNTEC – Europe’s #1 in digital learning – werden vom 6. bis 8. Mai 2025 in Karlsruhe die Top-Trends, Tools und Innovationen rund um digitales Lernen vorgestellt. Und wer sich darüber hinaus für moderne Arbeitskultur, agile Methoden, New Leadership & Co. interessiert, sollte unbedingt auch auf der parallel stattfindenden NEW WORK EVOLUTION vorbeischauen. Jetzt ein Freiticket sichern!