Age Regulations 2006: Are You Ready?

Brighton, March 2006 - Following the publication of the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006, Kineo is pleased to announce the launch of its Age 2006 and Age Awareness elearning programme .

The site contains targeted guidance for employers on the new regulations and will be accompanied shortly by an Age Awareness e-learning programme. The programme has been specifically designed to make all employees aware of the new regulations and the new rights and responsibilities in a concise, focused e-learning module.

Commenting on the new regulations Cherie Booth QC has said, "I have no doubt that the hottest topic over the next few years in employment law will be age discrimination." In Ireland, where similar regulations have already been introduced, a fifth of all discrimination claims are now brought on the basis of age discrimination.

The new age regulations are likely to present organisations with far greater challenges than sex, race, or disability discrimination when age discrimination is outlawed on October 1, 2006, according to a study published by Croner.

The research showed that age discrimination is currently considered more socially acceptable than other prejudices, such as race and religion.

All employers and employees should be aware of

  • what is contained in the new regulations
  • the new obligations and rights they create
  • what this means in terms of how they need to behave
  • what the implications are for policies and procedures
  • the penalties they (as individuals and as an organisation) will face if they act unlawfully
  • how the regulations are reflected in the organisation's employment policy and procedures

Kineo's Age 2006 site and the accompanying elearning programme will help employers and staff achieve readiness and in this challenging area.