New Solution from France

CrossKnowledge Dialogues 2.0 for Online Contribution

Paris (FR), November 2009 - CrossKnowledge harnesses the potential of the web 2.0 to offer new services to its clients. Launched in June 2009, the Knowledge Community training programme portals include a new dialogue function, baptised CrossKnowledge Dialogues 2.0.

CrossKnowledge has long been an advocate of the power of web 2.0 in learning and training and recently published a white paper entitled "The company as community: the impact of social media on the corporate world". The company is also organising a series of Breakfast Meetings across Europe and hosted an event with guest speaker Charles Jennings, who discussed experiential learning in our modern information-rich world.

CrossKnowledge Dialogues 2.0 is a veritable dialogue and online contribution platform that places exchange at the heart of skill-development programmes. The platform coordinates and develops community loyalty, facilitates the sharing of opinions and suggestions, and encourages collaborative communication.

CrossKnowledge Dialogues 2.0 play a key role in creating a shared network based on major business challenges. Popular ideas and projects are automatically validated by consensus thanks to an exchange and voting system that encourages reflection. The solution gives employees a voice, enabling them to exercise more control over the challenges affecting them within their own companies.

For companies, the solution represents a unique opportunity to contribute to the implementation of a restructuring policy, a new strategy, or a new process. It enables users to interact with experts or coaches by organising the questions into a hierarchy and also to share best practice with other members. By involving collaborators, CrossKnowledge Dialogues 2.0 reinforces peer-to-peer exchanges and the sharing of ideas within companies.

Steve Fiehl, Associate Director of CrossKnowledge, asserts, "If we want to see successful change within companies, it is no longer sufficient to communicate decisions and train teams. We have to make sure the teams appropriate these changes for themselves by contributing to them and discussing them. The objective of CrossKnowledge Dialogues 2.0 is to forge a closer working relationship between communication and training, and provide one unique place for the whole -˜community' to share ideas and encourage dialogue".