SOA Integration

SOA Integration

Munich (DE), May 2007 - Munich-based SoftDeCC Software GmbH has launched TCmanager webservices for the integration of service-oriented architecture (SOA). This service, which aims at training portals and eLearning solutions, opens flexible, selective access to administrative seminar data.

Continuous training that accompanies productive projects requires the iterative adaptation of training measures to operative tasks. Not only training content, but also training and test practice schedules, as well as booking, reporting, and payment intervals have to be tuned to the progress of the projects.

The seminar administration software needs various interfaces that differ in structure, as well as a large choice of access options. These are provided by the implementation of webservices for established seminar administration software. They all work via a standard interface, which is applicable in the frame of enterprise service-oriented architectures (SOA).

The webservice generates up-to-date background information about educational status, requirements, potential, and opportunities and the direct integration of this information into operative enterprise applications. This solution can be applied in the following areas:

  • Human resources administration,
  • Project planning systems,
  • Tailor-made catalogues for marketing and technical departments,
  • Web portals for trainers and suppliers, which are used as platforms for communication with corporate partners.

All the above-mentioned applications profit from the same standardized interface, which usually pays off with the first implementation. Furthermore they can be used to support further business processes without additional implementation expenses.

As the seminar administration software goes through further development, the new functionality is provided on the basis of access methods, enhancing existing webservices: there is no need to reprogram existing access options. Only those applications that have to use the new methods immediately may require the modification of parts of the program. Thus, complete new applications can be put together.

TCmanager webservices are distributed with the following elements:

  • Sample implementations for Internet/Intranet catalogues,
  • Flexible search processes for research in course descriptions,
  • A shopping cart solution for single students but also student groups,
  • Password-protected access for students and trainers,
  • Interactive graphical schedules and resource maps.

An access application thus implemented may serve as the basis for a fully integrated eLearning platform (SCORMTM Runtime 1.2), which, for example, could be used for the implementation of training programs free of planning or reservation conflicts. Integrated reports that span classroom training, eLearning, and blended learning make the monitoring of learning participation possible and help assure the success of complex training concepts.