Cutting Edge

"InAVative Futures" Award for CSL Integration

London (UK), March 2012 - The UK IT and audio-visual firm CSL Integration received one of the most coveted awards in the industry at the InAVation Awards ceremony held in Amsterdam. The InAVation awards recognise excellence in the EMEA audiovisual systems integration market in both technology and installation.

The London-based firm CSL Integration won out over 75 other entrants to win in the "InAVative Futures" category. Their entry focused on an Executive Briefing Centre commissioned for design and installation in McAfee's European headquarters. It comprised a nine-room, multi-source interactive AV/IT network facility system that CSL Integration created to fit McAfee's specific requirements.

The Executive Briefing Centre also included wi-fi connectivity throughout, high-definition IP videoconferencing systems, ceiling-mounted projectors, and a floating collaboration table housing nine NEC screens framed by a touch PQ interactive overlay.

The managing director of CSL Integration, Lance Frampton, comments, "We feel honoured to have been voted as the winners of this award. The ceremony was attended by leading AV companies and technological innovators from across the industry, and to be singled out for excellence is great recognition for CSL Integration's capabilities within the AV/IT space."

With just seven weeks to deliver, CSL Integration successfully installed an intuitive and immersive space that met the needs of the client, enabling them to improve and redefine the way they conduct their international business.