Global Bank Tests 500 Graduates in Simulation
London (UK), October 2016 - Business Smart International, a leading business-simulation company, has recently delivered one of the most engaging and innovative live simulation events for one of its global-banking clients. In a prestigious London hotel, 500 high-calibre graduates took control of a virtual bank and navigated it through a simulated four years of business in a challenging marketplace.
The main theme was the focus on growing the bank, whilst also protecting it. Thus, the challenge was to grow a sound commercial bank that was also fully compliant and respected by its customers and staff. The graduates were split into teams, with each team running a bank and competing in a virtual marketplace.
As the client’s project lead declared to Business Smart, "We want to say a big thank you to you and the team for running the simulation for us yesterday. The Grow & Protect simulation helped reinforce the importance of balancing risk and growth in an effective way."
Richard Berg, CEO of Business Smart International commented, "We were delighted to be working in partnership with one of our major clients to create an engaging and meaningful learning experience that would develop the participants and assist the bank in developing best practice. The graduates worked hard and had fun, whilst learning some valuable insights and lessons. The latest feedback showed 98% of the graduates agreed that this was an effective way to learn the importance of balancing risk and growth. We believe they are well on their way to becoming 'business smart'."
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