Lufthansa Counts on TurboDemo

Reutlingen, November 2005 - Lufthanse has initiated a progressive approach to rapid content creation for its "Miles & More" blended learning scenario. "Miles & More" has recently launched an innovative, effective, and successful rapid-content-creation project. TurboDemo has considerably influenced the development of this web-based training project.

"Miles & More", Lufthansa's frequent flyer programme, offers trainings to call centre agents around the world who can specialise as "Miles & More" agents. The main reason to turn the "Miles & More" training into a blended learning scenario and use a web-based training was not cost saving, but to achieve an increase of flexibility since it proved difficult to take enough agents out of their tight schedules to fill a face-to-face workshop of several days.

The web-based training was created by an international collaboration of SMEs and trainers located on four different continents. In order to create the WBT, the group used a capturing tool to create software demonstrations and simulations - TurboDemo from Bernard D&G.

While many other companies create a special department for a rapid content creation team, with the use of TurboDemo, Lufthansa has demonstrated that the establishment of rapid content creation as a widely used standard method does not necessarily mean a huge investment in a dedicated staff for such projects.

The course has been successfully finalized and is a very good example of what is possible with TurboDemo in the eLearning area. By April 2005 around 150 agents participated in the new programme; feedback has been very positive, and more projects like this will start this year.