Student Nurses Train to Be Better Allies
London (UK), November 2021 - A new cohort of student nurses from the University of Surrey has been trained on how to be better allies. Marshalls and the university have come together to collaborate on a new module called Allyship. From being long-standing existing clients to now collaborating with them on their latest module, Marshalls are gearing up to release their Allyship Module in partnership with the University of Surrey’s School of Health Sciences.
They have worked alongside Emily Williams, Reader in Health Inequalities and Director of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion, to form the Allyship module, which covers some really important issues, especially with regards to how practitioners can become better allies.
Being an ally means recognising that certain groups enjoy privileges and advantages that are not granted to others and working with people from these disadvantaged groups to help dismantle the structurally unequal systems. This eLearning covered in depth what it meant to be a good ally - with a focus on race equality - and examined a range of situations in which we can be better allies.
As a part of the same project aiming to reduce structural inequalities within healthcare and higher education, a Let's Talk About Race session was held for a new cohort of nursing students.
This session was facilitated by Marshall's brilliant Dawn Lewinson, who received excellent feedback from both students and staff alike. It was an opportunity to have questions answered, and more importantly, for there to be an open, honest conversation about race and its impact on nursing careers and patient care. It was important that the students had examples related to nursing early in their education, in order to be able to relate their learning and improved understanding to their work for maximum patient benefit.
Despite there being a tight time frame to get the eLearning module and the sessions ready, everything came together and was a great success. Ann Allcock, Head of Diversity at Marshalls, was really pleased with how everything went. "Marshalls was absolutely delighted to be asked by Surrey's School of Health Sciences to create a bespoke eLearning module on Allyship and to accompany and reinforce this with facilitated Let's Talk about Race sessions for the new cohort of student nurses.
This was a really exciting project, which demonstrated how taking a blended approach to learning can be extremely impactful. By combining online learning with open and respectful conversations in a safe environment, we have been able to offer a practical and engaging experience for participants and an effective and sustainable solution for the University."
Emily Williams, Reader in Health Inequalities and Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, added, "Working with Marshalls on components of our study has been exciting. The facilitated session delivered by Dawn was the first time our nursing students had experienced an open conversation about race and racism in healthcare. Dawn was excellent at engaging the students in a safe discussion, and it was amazing to see a few lightbulb moments from students in which they understood their privilege and responsibility in this space. We are also really pleased that the allyship training builds on Dawn's session and gives students the tools to be the best allies they can".
Digitale Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderung – das Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz, das im Juni 2025 in Kraft tritt, soll sicherstellen, dass auch digitale Angebote inklusiv gestaltet sind. Was das für E-Learning-Anbietende bedeutet, welche erfolgreichen Praxisbeispiele es gibt und wie die Rechtslage ist, erfahren Sie vom 6. bis zum 8. Mai 2025 bei der LEARNTEC, Fachmesse und Kongress in Karlsruhe.