The 2023 IELA Winners in the Academic Division
New York , NY (USA) / Madrid ( E), October 2023 - The International E-Learning Awards recognize the best uses of technology to improve learning and job performance within companies or through individual professional development. Please join us in congratulating the deserving winners of the 2023 International E-Learning Awards in the Academic Division who were honored at ICL2023, the International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, in Madrid, Spain.
E-Learning Experience
Targeted Violence -- Recognize the Warning Signs, United Educators, United States Representative - Ludwig Weber
E-Learning Experience
OPENPediatrics Virtual Ventilator Simulator, OPENPediatrics/Boston Children's Hospital, United States
Representative - Gretchen Pereira
- E-Learning Experience
Brain Sensei's PMP® Exam Prep Course (Self-Paced), Brain Sensei, Canada
Representative - Chris Stafford
- E-Learning Experience
Go Digital Training Collection, The Ohio State University, College of Education and Human Ecology, Center on Education and Training for Employment, USA
Representative - Alicia Willis.
- E-Learning Experience
Remote Engineering Labs for Learning Computer Systems - A Hybrid Learning Model for the Post-Pandemic Era, Monash University Malaysia, Malaysia
Representative - Narayanan Ramakrishnan
- E-Learning Experience
STEMadrid - Ecosistema de Aprendizaje Ilimitado, ODILO, Spain
Representative: Carla Regany Ramon.
- Blended Learning Experience
Upskilling Teaching Competences in Latin America - The International Engineering Educator Certification Program, InnovaHiEd Academy, Spain
Representatives - Eduardo Vendrell Vidal, Uriel Cukierman, Juan Palmieri
- Learning Delivery Platform
JA Inspire, Junior Achievement USA
Representative - Lisa Connor
- Learning Delivery Platform
SILK MS - SCube Intelligent Learning Knowledge Management, SCube for Education Technology LLC, Egypt
Representative - Shehab Gamalel-Din.
Submissions for the 2024 IELA Awards, Academic Division will open in March 2024.
Digitale Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderung – das Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz, das im Juni 2025 in Kraft tritt, soll sicherstellen, dass auch digitale Angebote inklusiv gestaltet sind. Was das für E-Learning-Anbietende bedeutet, welche erfolgreichen Praxisbeispiele es gibt und wie die Rechtslage ist, erfahren Sie vom 6. bis zum 8. Mai 2025 bei der LEARNTEC, Fachmesse und Kongress in Karlsruhe.