
IMC AG Takes over Dynamic Media eLearning GmbH

Saarbruecken (GER)/Graz (A), June 2008 - As of 16 June 2008, IMC AG, a European provider of learning technology, has taken over Dynamic Media eLearning GmbH, the eLearning specialists based in Graz, Austria. This was announced by Dr Wolfgang Kraemer, chairman of IMC AG. "Following eleven years of organic growth, the acquisition of Dynamic Media is the result of our decision to accelerate internationalisation through company acquisitions", said Kraemer, explaining the takeover.

"The acquisition of the Austrian market leader will decisively strengthen our company's position in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland (DACH)."

The new 100 per cent IMC subsidiary will operate under the name of "IMC Information Multimedia Communication GmbH". The Austrian subsidiary will be managed by the founder and previous director of Dynamic Media eLearning, Wolfgang Raback. The 25- member staff will continue to be employed in the IMC Group, bringing the total number of employees to 175.

According to Kraemer, negotiations with Dynamic Media eLearning GmbH proceeded very constructively due to similar approaches in terms of business model and corporate philosophy. "We both offer technology-based learning solutions, and our excellent services, highly-motivated employees, and strong brands help to improve our customer's learning processes. We are perfectly matched", said Kraemer confidently.

Founded in 1996, Dynamic Media eLearning GmbH offers a proven product portfolio with over 300 customers and approximately 500,000 users of these solutions to IMC AG. The company is a full-service provider specialising in the production of high-quality, customised eLearning content. It also produces the authoring tool "Dynamic PowerTrainer®" and the Electronic Performance Support Systems "LiveContext®".

In addition, the firm's comprehensive range of services includes a number of high-quality, sector-specific, and sector-spanning standard learning courses in numerous languages, plus the possibility of simple content adaptation for corporate customers. "Dynamic Media eLearning's product portfolio perfectly complements and extends our solutions, such as the Learning Management System CLIX® and the authoring tool LECTURNITY®", explained Frank Milius, product chairman at IMC.

All involved are confidently looking towards a productive, prosperous future. "Dynamic Media's objective was to globally position their core products, the authoring software Dynamic PowerTrainer® and EPSS LiveContext®. The integration into IMC AG opens new possibilities for product development and international marketing", explained Wolfgang Raback. "Together we can achieve much more - and in a far shorter period of time."

IMC Chairman Dr Wolfgang Kraemer's objective is clear. "With the integration of Dynamic Media eLearning GmbH, we will become an even more powerful unit in the eLearning sector on our path towards becoming a leading-edge international company."