High-res Animations

ESRI Canada Brings Earth's Treasures to Life

Toronto, ON (CA), June 2009 - As part of an ongoing commitment to actively promote Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in education, ESRI Canada has collaborated with the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) to enhance one of its most renowned attractions - the Teck Suite of Galleries: Earth's Treasures.

ESRI Canada donated imagery and created sophisticated animation to enhance videos appearing in both the Vale Inco Limited Gallery of Minerals and the Nature of Diamonds exhibition. ESRI Canada also contributed to the permanent large-screen interactive display that is showcased in the Canadian Mining Hall of Fame.

Vale Inco Limited Gallery of Minerals features a continuously running video that explores numerous minerals and precious gems along with their associated mining locations around the world. ESRI Canada leveraged the ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension to enhance the video by creating an animated rotating globe that zooms into various mining sites in Afghanistan, Burma, Australia, South Africa, and Brazil among many others.

High-resolution imagery was then incorporated into the Canadian Mining Hall of Fame's interactive display to bring the Canadian landscape to life. The video presents a virtual tour of mining in Canada and provides a touch-screen display allowing museum visitors to access biographies and short documentaries about mineral resources.

"ESRI Canada's contribution to our Canadian Mining Hall of Fame was invaluable", said Jason French, Project Manager for the ROM. "We chose to work with ESRI Canada due to the flexibility of their software, which allowed us to create custom, high-resolution terrain images of geographical locations within Canada."

ESRI Canada also incorporated animation and satellite imagery into the museum's 'Crystal Clear: Diamonds from Canada's North' video that zooms into Canadian diamond mines. The video is part of the world travelling Nature of Diamonds exhibition that is considered the ROM's feature attraction of the year.