Plug Into the Network

Saba Social Learning Now Generally Available

Redwood Shores, CA (USA), July 2011 - Saba Social Learning is now available to help employees, partners, and customers connect, collaborate, and learn better in a versatile and social environment, often referred to as "informal learning".

"Many organizations are struggling with how to address multiple learning styles and optimize informal learning, which is preferred by the 'Millennial Generation', such as video, podcasts, real-time feeds, and other social-networking tools. Saba Social Learning addresses this challenge, and customers are already telling us it will enable them to accelerate development and transform the way their people learn and grow", says Laurent Pacalin, SVP and GM of People Cloud Applications.

By combining the best of today's social-networking features with world-class learning management capabilities, Saba Social Learning provides more collaborative, immediate, and context-relevant methods than any other solution. Additionally, it's the only learning solution available that integrates formal learning with an informal social environment to encourage a real-time exchange of organizational knowledge among employees, partners, and customers to improve business results.

The powerful combination of innovative social learning and mobile delivery with more traditional learning enables a transformative workplace that accelerates employee development and engagement, increases performance, and reduces content-development cost, all while creating a more interactive environment. Saba Social Learning will also enable organizations to develop their direct sales force, resellers, and partner channels more quickly and efficiently, thereby accelerating sales readiness and increasing revenue productivity.

"Traditional HR and learning processes don't always capture the community aspect that creates an environment where we learn best -- in an informal setting. Saba Social Learning is enabling us to build a stronger culture and gain unprecedented visibility into our workforce expertise and organization's collective know-how", comments Wayne Williams, Manager of Learning Systems at SMART Technologies.