Actionable Strategies

Reduce Organizational "Scrap Learning"

Nashua, NH (USA), September 2011 - SkillSoft, an SaaS provider of eLearning and performance-support solutions, has revealed five techniques companies can implement to reduce "scrap learning", the learning that is provided but does not get applied in the workplace.

Focusing on techniques to reduce scrap learning can improve organizational performance and also lead to a higher return on the company's learning investment.

According to a recent independent study conducted by KnowledgeAdvisors, a learning- measurement software and solutions company focused on improving learning effectiveness, the scrap-learning rate in most companies ranges from 55 to 80 percent.

However, the same study also found that companies using SkillSoft learning tools have far lower levels of learning waste, with an average scrap-learning rate of only fourteen percent. It was also discovered that fifty percent of the learners surveyed were able to apply the knowledge they gained through SkillSoft's solutions within one week, and over 85 percent reported they were able to apply the learning within six weeks.

"In my latest learning study, nearly half the respondents indicated that the biggest learning- execution challenges are supporting learning after formal learning events and linking learning to business results-, says Mollie Lombardi, Research Director, Human Capital Management, at Aberdeen Group. "Making learning useful and relevant, and cutting out wasted learning is a big challenge for many organizations."

"Scrap learning is the silent drain of the learning industry. While it is not often discussed, it can cost companies productivity and diminish ROI-, adds Kieran King, global director of loyalty strategy at SkillSoft.

"Companies with efficient, aligned learning solutions often see dramatic improvements in on-the-job performance, and this contributes to measurable business results."

To spearhead the movement to keep scrap learning rates low, SkillSoft has developed strategies that will help Chief Learning Officers (CLOs), human resources, and talent- management executives minimize scrap learning and ensure they are getting the most value from their leaning programs.

Check out the KnowledgeAdvisor report