Speexx Pledges Support for Environmental Organizations
Munich (GER), February 2024 - Speexx, a leading people development platform, is supporting three German, European, and international charities and non-profit organizations to combat climate change and preserve nature.
Mind Tools Supports Save the Children Charity
London (UK), November 2022 - Until 31 December 2022, Mind Tools will be donating £10 to Save the Children for every completion of their Learning Performance Benchmark.
On Demand Are Donating 100% of Proceeds to Ukraine this March
London (UK), March 2022 - On Demand, the eLearning platform from Marshall E-Learning, will be donating 100% of sales to the Red Cross in Ukraine through March. The portal has all the essential courses any training manager might require, with a strong focus on diversity and inclusion.
» MOREPro-Bono Partnership with Pancare Foundation
Indianapolis, IN (USA), December 2021 - Open LMS, a major provider of open source learning systems, has announced a new pro-bono partnership with Australia-based Pancare Foundation, a leading charity committed to improving survival and support for people impacted by upper gastrointestinal (GI) cancers.
Ten Reasons Why Charities Should Use eLearning
London (UK), July 2020 - Ten charities, including St John Ambulance Cymru and Shelter, have shared the lessons they've learned from using eLearning in a recently published report. The free white paper is packed with top tips and an action plan to help charities take a digital approach to supporting the skills of their staff and volunteers.
» MOREX-CELL startet Charity-Projekt für Familien
Düsseldorf, April 2019 - Im Rahmen der seit 2016 bestehenden Charity-Aktion "X-CELL for Kids" hat der Düsseldorfer eLearning Anbieter X-CELL AG bisher vorwiegend Kinderheime und ähnliche Einrichtungen unterstützt. Im Frühling reist nun erstmals eine vom Deutschen Kinderhilfswerk ausgewählte Familie in das Borchard’s Rookhus an den Großen Labussee nach Wesenberg. Es handelt sich um ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt, welches zu gleichen Teilen von der X-CELL AG und der Hoteliersfamilie Borchard initiiert und gefördert wird.
» MEHRVirtual College and Dreamflight Celebrate the 2.5 Millionth Learner
Ilkley (UK), April 2017 - Virtual College, a UK provider of online child-safeguarding learning, has marked reaching its 2.5 millionth learner by donating £5000 to the Dreamflight children’s charity. Dreamflight changes young lives by taking children with a serious illness or disability on the holiday of a lifetime to Orlando, Florida.
Earn a Virtual Coin with Specsavers
Plymouth (UK), July 2016 - Staff and partners joining Specsavers will be able to earn a virtual coin to donate to charity in a new online induction course. The international optical and hearing business will make a real money donation to charity in proportion to the virtual coins earned by employees who complete the induction training.
» MOREAuf der LEARNTEC – Europe’s #1 in digital learning – werden vom 6. bis 8. Mai 2025 in Karlsruhe die Top-Trends, Tools und Innovationen rund um digitales Lernen vorgestellt. Und wer sich darüber hinaus für moderne Arbeitskultur, agile Methoden, New Leadership & Co. interessiert, sollte unbedingt auch auf der parallel stattfindenden NEW WORK EVOLUTION vorbeischauen. Jetzt ein Freiticket sichern!