C-Level View on Learning & Development in NYC
New York, NY (USA), February 2017 - The Chief Learning Officer Forum USA 2017 will launch in March to capitalize on business-critical initiatives, including leadership development, workforce engagement, and the retention of talent.
Recent research conducted by Corinium with over 50 Chief Learning Officers (CLOs) and de facto learning & development (L&D) demonstrate that the fundamental principles of L&D have not changed substantially since their implementation nearly twenty years ago.
However, these exceptional leaders are constantly looking at ways to innovate and keep ahead of the curve, developing more creative, thorough, and inclusive initiatives to fulfill those traditional ideas.
It is evident that organizations still seek to champion and support the professional development of their workforce in order to maintain their predominant position within a specific market.
Nonetheless, highly competitive environments have propelled substantial changes in the fundamental tasks that every CLO faces at any modern corporation. For instance, these organizations now expect these executives to
- effectively develop leadership programs focused on business delivery
- facilitate the transition from legacy methods to modern technologies to further promote employee capacitation, engagement, and retention
- overcome the generational gap issue when implementing new tools and L&D programs.
The Chief Learning Officer Forum USA 2017 hosted by Corinium 07-08 March in NYC has been launched to capitalize on these initiatives and will tackle some of the most crucial L&D topics including
- Integrating Learning Processes in Today's Changing Dynamics Workforce
- Are you Ready for Tomorrow? Enabling a 21st Century Workforce to Learn How to Do Their Job
- Evolving the Learning Function toward Continuous Reskilling
- Learning Analytics: Measurement Innovations to Support Talent Development
- Drive Performance Avoiding the "Game of Thrones" Syndrome
It is led by Chief Learning Officers, but is open to learning-and-development, human resources, talent, and workforce professionals cross industry, allowing them to meet and network with the very best of their peers from a range of organizations and experiences.
Speakers include Catherine Day, VP Workforce Enablement, Global Technology & Operations, MetLife; Kimo Kippen, Chief Learning Officer, Hilton World Wide; Paul Fama, Global Learning Leader, GE Corporate; Dr. Harry Kantrovich, Chief Learning Officer, City of Alexandria; Dr. Iris Ware, Chief Learning Officer, City of Detroit; Dr. Mary Bollash, Chief Learning Officer, UTC Aerospace Systems; Jeffrey Vargas, Chief Learning Officer, Commodity Futures Trading Commission; Dr. Rony Rinat, Chief Learning Officer & VP Leadership & Development, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; Dr. Tom Bigda-Peyton, Chief Learning Officer, Catholic Health Services of Long Island; Robert Burnside, Chief Learning Officer & Partner, Ketchum Public Relations; Diane Rosso, Director Global Talent Development, Motorola Solutions; Pamela Wakefield, Director of Learning & Development, Patterson-UTI Drilling Company LLC; and Dr. Azadeh Jamalian, Chief Learning Officer, Tiggly.
The Forum is proudly sponsored by IBM Cloud Video, CCM Consultancy, and DeVryWORKS and takes place at Convene, 101 Park Avenue, New York, 07-08 March 2017.
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