Virtual Format

14th Conference on Education, Research, and Innovation

ICERI 2019Seville (E), May 2021 - The organizers have extended an invitation to join the fourteenth edition of the "International Conference of Education, Research, and Innovation" (ICERI), one of the largest international conferences for lecturers, educational researchers, and technologists. For the last thirteen years, the ICERI conferences have been held in person, welcoming more than 800 participants in the field of education. Last November, due to the COVID outbreak, ICERI2020 was successfully held as a virtual event. In 2021, if the health conditions and travelling restrictions do not allow ICERI2021 to be held in person, the conference will again convene in a fully virtual format.


Experts can present their projects and experiences on education and innovation either as virtual presentations or oral and poster presentations.
The deadline for abstracts submission is 15 July 2021.


This option will enable authors to submit their abstracts and papers for ICERI2021 Proceedings without attending the conference in person.
Also, authors will be able to submit their virtual presentation files (slides, video, or poster). These presentations will be uploaded onto the conference website and Technical Program.
Registered virtual authors will receive a virtual package (ICERI2021 Proceedings, participation/author certificate, and conference materials), which will be sent by courier after the conference dates.
In order to promote maximum interaction, different thematic chats, private chats, and other live networking activities will be offered for virtual participants.