The Learning Futures We Choose - Call for Proposals
Berlin (GER), March 2023 - Big tech and AI are radically changing how we learn. At OEB, Europe's foremost education and workplace learning conference, later this year in Berlin, the edtech community will gather to help shape this change. The call for proposals for the 2023 conference has opened.
Will we decide the future we want for ourselves, or will we be pushed into a dystopian system in which we have no say? Will we shape the future of learning or will Big Tech shape it for us? Will we control recent developments in technology or will they control us? Who will control the learning of the future? Are we enhancing our world or creating a new system in which we have no say? Will technology, data and, AI decide our future for us, or will technology help us redefine the future of learning?
As humanity faces the biggest challenges of the tech revolution, OEB 2023 leads the discussion about how we can use technological change to shape the future of learning: a future that is created by us, not by machines.
OEB 2023 takes place from 22 - 24 November in Berlin, Germany. It comprises a conference debating all of the important topics in education technology and workplace learning, and the call for the global learning community to submit proposals for the agenda has been launched. All those with an interest in shaping the future of education and workplace learning are invited to submit proposals for the 2023 conference.
OEB Conference Chair, Rebecca Stromeyer observed, "The overall theme for OEB 2023 is 'The Learning Futures We Choose.' How we all learn is on the cusp of real and substantive change. AI especially took a significant stride forward in the last year with the ChatGPT explosion. These advances in technology, added to the structural changes across society and the workplace, lead to important questions for humans about the kind of future and society we might want to have. OEB provides a forum for us to discuss these questions and make choices about our future. Learning and education professionals from around the world are invited to shape the agenda and speak at the event by submitting ideas for the OEB 2023 Conference."
Nine interrelated subthemes will be explored:
- Human Skills versus Automated Skills
- Revisiting the Constellation and Impact of Learning Design
- Sustainable L&D and Digital Transformation for All
- Harnessing Data to Unlock Learning
- Redesigning Assessment and Credentials As We Know Them
- Unlocking Learning Potential with Strategic Cross-Over Collaborations
- Exploring the Ever-Widening Landscape of Learning Technologies
- Learning Goes Green
- Understanding the Impact of War and Crisis on Learning
Digitale Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderung – das Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz, das im Juni 2025 in Kraft tritt, soll sicherstellen, dass auch digitale Angebote inklusiv gestaltet sind. Was das für E-Learning-Anbietende bedeutet, welche erfolgreichen Praxisbeispiele es gibt und wie die Rechtslage ist, erfahren Sie vom 6. bis zum 8. Mai 2025 bei der LEARNTEC, Fachmesse und Kongress in Karlsruhe.