Bridge Strengthens Performance Conversation Capabilities
Raleigh, NC (USA), August 2024 - A new learning and development (L&D) platform feature strengthens the link between employee performance and growth via continuous feedback with the introduction of peer reviews in performance conversations.
» MOREAnalysing How We Work
Bern (CH), April 2023 - Public administration expert David Giauque studies how people work and how new ways of working affect our wellbeing and performance. The aim is to determine best practices in human resources management.
» MOREPeople Success - A New Era for Kallidus
Bristol (UK), September 2022 - Kallidus has unveiled a new global purpose, brand, and website, moving their focus towards connected people success solutions. The new purpose is their guide for this new era: We make people success easy for growing organisations.
» MOREDigital Academies Address the Challenges of the Modern Work
Dunfermline (SCT), August 2022 - Digital academies - an initiative from the leading digital learning and assessment specialist, eCom Learning Solutions - are helping organisations stay ahead of their competition by developing their most valuable asset: their workforce.
Kineo Demystify Learning Analytics
London (UK), August 2022 - Kineo has elucidated the key data points to collect for learning analytics, focused on mining insights from learner activity to make effective decisions.
» MORE"We still consume almost the same learning diet"
Huddersfield (UK), November 2021 - Rupert Ward is a former Special Adviser to the Royal Household and Project Lead for iDEA, one of the world's most successful free educational technologies. He is Director of Strategic Partnerships for the International Council on Badges and Credentials, a National Teaching Fellow, and an international keynote speaker. At OEB Global, he will speak about "Learning Fitness: Getting Learning Fit".
Anwenderkonferenz "Convergence" erstmals digital
Düsseldorf, August 2020 - Seit rund zehn Jahren setzt Cornerstone mit dem Format der Convergence einen der Standards in der HR- und Talent Management Branche: Im Rahmen dieses größten Anwenderkongresses der Welt treffen sich Anwender und Cornerstone Spezialisten regelmäßig zum Austausch über Erfahrungen und Entwicklungen in der Welt der digitalen HR. Bislang fand das Treffen immer in den USA und London statt, im Jahr Corona findet die Veranstaltung nun erstmals digital statt. Am 16. und 17. September ist es soweit: Cornerstone OnDemand veranstaltet zum ersten Mal eine digitale Ausgabe der Conververgence.
» MEHRConverting Knowledge into "Action That Is Crucial for Success"
Karlsruhe (GER)/St. Valentin (A), December 2019 - Dr. Ina Weinbauer-Heidel, founder of the Institute for Transfer Effectiveness, has published the German language book "Was Trainings wirklich wirksam macht" (What makes training sessions really effective). In it, she describes the twelve control levers of transfer effectiveness. At the LEARNTEC Congress, she will discuss her practical experience and insights on 29 January 2020 at 10.45.
Webinar: High Impact, High Performance
London (UK), November 2019 - Join Andy Lancaster, Head of Learning at CIPD, as he discusses the importance of learning being delivered in the flow of work.
» MOREWhat Works to Get the Best Results
Santa Rosa, CA (USA), November 2018 - As a learning designer, analyst, author, and president of Learning Peaks, USA, Patti Shank is internationally recognized. She works with organizations to analyze and find solutions for organizational performance needs and is regularly asked to speak at conferences and to train trainers, instructors, designers, and experts. At OEB Global 2019, you can hear her in two sessions: in the Debate Plenary on Thursday evening and in "Managing Memory for Deeper Learning" on Friday, 07 December from 11:45 to 13:00.
Digitale Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderung – das Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz, das im Juni 2025 in Kraft tritt, soll sicherstellen, dass auch digitale Angebote inklusiv gestaltet sind. Was das für E-Learning-Anbietende bedeutet, welche erfolgreichen Praxisbeispiele es gibt und wie die Rechtslage ist, erfahren Sie vom 6. bis zum 8. Mai 2025 bei der LEARNTEC, Fachmesse und Kongress in Karlsruhe.