125 Submissions

The Winners of the 16th MEDEA Awards

Brussels (BE), July 2024 - The 16th annual MEDEA Awards ceremony took place at the Town Hall of Leuven on 20 June as part of the 2024 Media & Learning Conference: "Back to the Future?", organised by the Media & Learning Association.

This year's MEDEA Award was awarded to "Geld verstehen digital" (Understanding Money Digitally), an interactive e-book by Sebastian Freisleder from FWU Institut für Film und Bild, Germany. The e-book enhances financial education for students in grades five to nine through videos and interactive exercises, enriching classroom learning and fostering media skills.

The Special Jury Prize went to "Please, Touch the Artwork 2" by Thomas Meynen, Studio Waterzooi, Belgium. This engaging game allows users to explore paintings by James Ensor, solving puzzles and collecting items.

The Audience Favorite Prize was awarded to "Reimagining Geohazard Fieldtrips" by Suzanne Bickerdike, University of Leeds, U.K. This resource suite transforms field trips into immersive learning experiences.

José Bidarra from Universidade Aberta, Portugal, received a special recognition for his role as a judge. Short clips from all finalists were shown, and commemorative medals were awarded to the remaining finalists.

Prizes were sponsored by SONY and presented by Bert Cornillie, Councillor for Culture, Tourism, Events, Part-time Art Education, and Seniors, who welcomed participants to Leuven's historic City Hall. This year's entries came from across Europe, the US, Australia, Canada, Singapore, Kazakhstan, and Indonesia, totaling 125 submissions.