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Maribell Reyes-Millán to Deliver Keynote at OEB24

Dr Maribell Reyes-MillánBerlin (GER), July 2024 - Marking its 30th edition, OEB 2024 promises a grand celebration of innovation, exploration, and transformation in the realm of learning and education in Berlin, 27-29 November. Dr Maribell Reyes-Millán will hold a keynote.

Dr Maribell Reyes-Millán serves as the Director of Digital Education at Tecnológico de Monterrey, and is thus responsible for the strategy, definition, and delivery of the educational offerings of courses taught in digital modalities (online and blended). She is also accountable for the learning enhancement through the use of technology in face-to-face courses.

Her areas of expertise are the various educational models and frameworks for quality digital education; the incorporation of educational technology in the teaching-learning processes; and the implementation of digital education programs on international platforms. Her thorough knowledge and experience have led her to be a judge in the QS Reimagine Education competition, and she has also published several articles in innovation and technology journals.

During times of crises such as the 2017 earthquake in México City, and the 2020 pandemic, she led efforts to transform the institution from in-person to digital education. A speaker at international conferences, she has also participated as an expert in educational innovation committees such as ECIU; Consortium for Benchmarking Framework for Online, Open, Smart, and Technology-enhanced Higher Education; ICDE; EDUTIC, among others.

She holds a PhD in Educational Innovation (2014), an MBA (1998) from Tecnológico de Monterrey México, and a master's degree in information science from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (1993).

As a confirmed keynote for the 2024 OEB Conference, the OEB team caught up with Maribell to bring you the person behind the speaker, as she talks about her life, career, and thoughts on the upcoming conference in Berlin.


Who, or what, was your most important teacher?

Dr Maribell Reyes-Millán: The professor who left the most significant mark on me was my doctoral thesis advisor, who lived in a city far from where I lived. He was a brilliant person, an expert in his subject, demanding and challenging. He always sought to make me question myself, but with an accompaniment, feedback, and closeness I had never experienced before.

What was your most important lesson?

Dr Maribell Reyes-Millán: Two events - the 2017 CDMX earthquake and the COVID-19 pandemic - taught me important lessons in my life. Both events showed me the power of transformation, collaboration, and empathy that human beings have when facing complex situations. Why not apply this daily to transform society in a positive way?

What current learning trend do you think will have a lasting impact?

Dr Maribell Reyes-Millán: From my perspective, personalisation of learning is a trend that will allow us to meet the individual needs of each student, regardless of geographic location or language. So, it has the potential to transform the lives of many people in the coming years.

Which technology, in your view, had the biggest influence on the way we learn now?

Dr Maribell Reyes-Millán: Technology in isolation is useless; the pedagogical strategy accompanied by technology can influence how we learn. Technology makes sense when the teacher defines the learning objectives and selects the most appropriate technology. Very simple technologies can become highly valuable for learning thanks to the didactic strategy designed by the teacher. As Dr Tony Bates says, "Good teaching may overcome a poor choice of technology, but technology will never save bad teaching".

What is the coolest gadget / technology / tool you have seen lately?

Dr Maribell Reyes-Millán: For me, the most interesting and promising recent technology is generative artificial intelligence because of its potential to impact a transcendental change in education.

What would be the title of your autobiography?

Dr Maribell Reyes-Millán: "Resilient and Fighting Spirit"

What was your first thought about our overall theme, “Brace for Transformation: The Courage to Redefine Learning”?

Dr Maribell Reyes-Millán: I thought of the possibilities that learning offers us to transform our lives and the lives of others.

Do you have a final message for the OEB community?

Dr Maribell Reyes-Millán: This event represents an excellent celebration for all who believe in transforming people through education. Let's take this opportunity to learn from others, generate an open dialogue, share our achievements, and celebrate that OEB has driven innovation and the transformation of learning and education for 30 years.