
Thomson Reuters

AI to Save Professionals Twelve Hours per Week

London (UK), July 2024 - Knowledge workers are optimistic about significant boosts to productivity, with AI poised to redefine workflows, drive innovation, and unlock new opportunities for growth. The 2024 Future of Professionals report, by Thomson Reuters, is an annual survey of more than 2,200 professionals working across legal, tax, and risk, and compliance fields globally.



Skillsoft ernennt Andreas Rothkamp zum Vice President

Andreas RothkampDüsseldorf, Juli 2019 – Corporate Learning Spezialist Skillsoft ernennt Andreas Rothkamp zum Vice President seiner D/A/CH Organisation. Der erfahrene Manager ist bereits seit zwölf Jahren im Unternehmen tätig und hat dort zahlreiche Managementpositionen durchlaufen. Seit mehreren Jahren ist er Mitglied des EMEA Management Teams und war zuletzt als Sales Director Global Accounts bei Skillsoft für globale Kunden in der EMEA Region verantwortlich. 


Business EDUCA

Combatting the Lack of Interactivity and Fun

Önder ErolIstanbul (TR), November 2017 - Önder Erol’s presentation on "Methods and Tools for Motivation, Engagement, and Productivity" will be a feature of the discussion at Business EDUCA’s Session BUS21, 07 December from 14.15 to 15:45. Önder Erol is a committed learning-and-development professional with over ten years’ experience in banking. His focus is innovative and engaging digital learning solutions, and he is responsible for the design, development, implementation, and maintenance of online courses at İşbank (Türkiye İş Bankası), Turkey’s largest bank.