SMEs and Innovation

EVA -Andalusian Lifelong Learning Virtual Space

Malaga (E), November 2007 - Introducing innovation through eLearning in small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) in the Spanish region of Andalusia was the task of Dr. Ainhoa Otamendi from the International University of Andalusia. Her team and she developed the portal EVA to meet this important economic sector's training needs.

You are responsible for EVA - the Andalusian Lifelong Learning Virtual Space. What is EVA and what is the aim of this project?

Dr. Ainhoa Otamendi: EVA is a project created by the Regional Ministry of Innovation, Science, and Enterprise of Andalusia to carry out advanced lifelong learning programs using innovative methodologies to respond to training needs in the region in the various areas and moments of life. EVA training programs covers three fundamental areas: SMEs, Public Administration, and training of trainers.

What was the reason to start EVA in the first place?

Dr. Ainhoa Otamendi: It was designed to promote the acquisition of professional competencies in the productive fabric of Andalusia, integrating collaborative learning, orientation in practice, and a professional curriculum. A special emphasis is made in the SMEs to achieve innovation and the increase of competitiveness and productiveness.

EVA is also oriented toward creating a network of learners who will stimulate the debate, the collaborative work, and the shared construction of knowledge, minimizing the isolation of the virtual learner.

What are the training needs of SMEs and how did you develop the various courses?

Dr. Ainhoa Otamendi: In the specific areas of the regional Ministry for Innovation, Science, and Enterprise, we detected that innovation and the new technologies still constitute a major challenge in Andalusia. SMEs in our region generally have between two and nine employees, making the transformation to the knowledge society a big issue.

The entrepreneurs need a wide variety of solutions to fit their realities, and training is a key factor in the adoption of these solutions. Because of this, we are trying to start awareness programs, and so we supply small chunks of information (knowledge pills) that show the professionals the advantages of making this transformation process.

How do you promote EVA and how is the acceptance so far?

Dr. Ainhoa Otamendi: EVA is being promoted through diverse programs that will be offered to different strategic sectors of the productive fabric. We will use the entrepreneurs associations and the Technological Centres and Parks as the nodes in which we can find the critical mass of professionals and enterprises.

On the other hand, EVA is presented in a web portal, an eLearning platform, and a laboratory of tools, together with research work that will be developed in the next months. We expect to become an active group in areas of educational technology in Andalusia and to start alliances with other research groups in Spain and Europe.

There's still a long way to go before we can analyze the response to the whole program. What we have been able to analyze so far is the response of the professionals to the training programs. We are happy with the results obtained in the satisfaction questionnaires, although there's still a small percentage that have additional expectations or remain sceptical about this new methodology. These are the groups of learners that we have to pay attention to and try to understand the barriers in order to minimize them.

From your experience so far, is eLearning a successful tool to advance innovation in Andalusia?

Dr. Ainhoa Otamendi: Yes, I think it is. eLearning is innovation in education in itself in our region. Making quality programs in these fields and getting the professionals to learn with them is already a challenge that we are achieving. Furthermore, the topics in these programs are related to innovation, and we expect to bring it over to the professionals in Andalusia.

The promotion of innovative learning elements, the collaboration between research centres and the productive fabric of Andalusia, and the process of following strategic lines and innovation to generate new services, products, and structures will make our resources more efficient.