As much as necessary, as little as possible!

Saarbruecken (GER)/London (UK), May 2008 - IMC AG has released a considerably improved version of its learning management system CLIX. "We put special emphasis on the improvement of event management", says Frank Milius, board member at IMC responsible for product development. "Learners benefit from clearer navigation whilst administrators benefit from additional settings that accelerate and simplify business processes."

Together these new features help support learner motivation and reduce workload for administrators.

Managing "SIMPLExity"

In times of information overload it is almost a Herculean task to place the right content in the right place at the right time for the right person. Education and training units in enterprises and universities have to cope with an increasingly complex learning world.

"CLIX 8 succeeds in managing this complex world whilst at the same time reducing the visual complexity for the user. Neither functionality nor compatibility with other systems is compromised. This ability illustrates our understanding of SIMPLExity," says Milius.

In order to support simpler learning processes additional configuration tools for administrators have been made available. These tools manage the viewing options for learners and determine the degree of learning complexity. New settings for courses, so called "main types", help clean up the user interface. Booking processes can be configured and administrated on an individual user level.

"In order not to overwhelm the user with the whole range of features available he/she only receives the information needed at a particular phase in the process", explains Rebekka Wachter, CLIX product manager at IMC AG. "By means of more intuitive navigation it is much easier for learners to play an active part in courses and lectures, to socialise and exchange views with other learners and to add content of their own."

In addition, it has become much easier for administrators to implement courses, manage events and to track bookings.

Learners, tutors, supervisors and administrators benefit equally from the new features in CLIX 8. Learning and teaching both become easier without loosing sight of the complex requirements of learning routine.

"It is not important to simplify for the sake of simplification alone. More important is the ability to show and manage the increasing complexity dominant in the world of work and learning processes in a way easily understandable for our users. In this respect with CLIX 8 we have taken a major step forward." says Milius.