More Flexibility

Course and Seminar Evaluation with EvaSys 3.1

Lüneburg (GER), December 2007 - Electric Paper has just presented the new version 3.1 of its evaluation system EvaSys. It is based on highly developed data-acquisition techniques and internet technology and enables fast and effective course evaluations. The software solution supports all phases of evaluation: from the design of the questionnaires, the mass generation of paper or online surveys, and the scanning process to the direct feedback.

A high degree of automation and extended QM functionalities make EvaSys a highly effective feedback and early-warning system that requires minimum time and staff expenditure. With the new version 3.1, EvaSys encompasses even more functionalities to simplify surveys and quality management.

The software system EvaSys is the most widely used evaluation system in German-speaking environments, and there are also more than 380 installations elsewhere in Europe and in the United States. Developed in close collaboration with numerous colleges, EvaSys allows the cost-effective implementation of a permanent countrywide course evaluation in which the interests of teaching staff, students, and QM managers can be drawn together.

EvaSys facilitates both online and paper-and-pencil surveys. Within a few minutes of scanning, EvaSys sends the results of the survey's evaluation by e-mail to the instructors. They can thereby assess the results and impressions immediately following the end of the course and draw appropriate conclusions from them. An elaborate security concept with encrypted connections means that data protection is assured. Lecturers or QM managers can access data from EvaSys for further editing in SPSS, Excel, or other media.

More flexibility is the keyword under which various parts of EvaSys have been enhanced in version 3.1. From the design of questionnaires, through methodical application and statistical result evaluation, including new interfaces, the new version offers more freedom for tailor-made surveys - and not only in the field of course evaluation. There are now more possibilities to customize EvaSys to user needs and a company's corporate identity.

A new SOAP-based programming interface (API) makes EvaSys version 3 and upwards open for connection to various seminar-management programs, student portals, and other applications. The API allows an EvaSys system to be addressed for the purpose of exchanging data as well as the automatic activation of processes. Procedures can thus be automated or started from another system.

In EvaSys version 3, non-anonymous surveys are also available: organizational and personal data can be imported and embedded in the questionnaire. In this way, new surveying methodologies, such as panel surveying for ongoing surveys of a particular target group, are possible. Furthermore, surveys at an organizational level where recognition of responses is necessary are also an option.