eLearning Supplier

IKEA Selects Giunti Labs as a Preferred Supplier

Lund (SE), November 2008 - Giunti Labs, a learning and mobile-content-management solution provider and bespoke content producer, has been chosen as one of the limited number of official providers for eLearning content production services for the next two years to the Scandinavia-based home-furnishing-products retailer, IKEA.

The continuing growth of eLearning within IKEA prompted the company to identify up to five high-quality eLearning suppliers that can provide eLearning materials using learning objects, as well as implement and maintain eLearning programmes.

IKEA carried out a large project when selecting the suppliers for the Global Framework Agreement. Originally, IKEA identified sixty potential suppliers from all over the world. IKEA narrowed these down to sixteen and from these selected five - including Giunti Labs - to be part of its Global Framework agreement.

Ola Badersten, CEO of Giunti Labs Scandinavia, explained: "Giunti Labs has been a preferred supplier to IKEA since 2007. In that time, we have developed and 'localised' three eLearning programmes, including IKEA's largest eLearning programme of the past two years. We're delighted to have been reappointed as one of IKEA's five approved eLearning content suppliers for the next two years."