Fire Service College

IMC (UK) Learning Ltd Wins Major Tender

Sevenoaks (UK), January 2008 - IMC's learning management system CLIX overcame intense competition from a number of established players in the UK to win the Fire Service College tender for the implementation of a new Managed Learning System. Alongside CLIX, IMC's rapid authoring tool LECTURNITY will be used to enhance the creation and delivery of learning and communications content for the Fire Service College. Implementation of the CLIX system, hosted initially by IMC, is starting immediately with an initial 24-month contract.

Jonathan Chapman, Chief Information Officer at the Fire Service College, said, "It was an extremely tough selection procedure, and we are looking forward to working in partnership with IMC to introduce the CLIX learning management system, which will be critical to the success of turning our vision for future learning at the Fire Service College into reality".

Gareth Walters, Sales and Marketing Director at IMC (UK) Learning Ltd., adds, "IMC is immensely proud to have won the confidence of a government authority responsible for keeping the highest levels of service and training available to members of such a critical emergency service in the UK".

The tender award comes hot on the heels of IMC's winning of the "Training Provider of the Year 2007" award at the prestigious World of Learning Awards at Birmingham's National Exhibition Centre in November 2007. "A remarkable first year for IMC in the UK!" said an understandably pleased Gareth Walters.