Cultural Awareness

LINE Releases Training for Military Service Personnel

London (UK), August 2007 - LINE Communications, a provider of learning and communications solutions, has announced the release of Cultural Awareness training for all military service personnel undertaking tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. Because culture is a subjective issue, the Directorate of Educational and Training Services (Army) - DETS(A), asked LINE to raise awareness and facilitate a behavioural shift rather than to simply teach individual elements of culture in Iraq and Afghanistan.

LINE worked with DETS(A) to identify authentic scenarios that troops could face, possible cultural factors that could influence them, and ways in which service personnel might react. Moreover, the courses had to be adaptable to existing military training. The eLearning resource is available as a pre-deployment desktop resource for classroom-based training. Alternatively, it can also be used by commanders with their troops in any environment once deployment has taken place.

LINE created two programmes that highlight key cultural differences and prepares personnel for service in either Iraq or Afghanistan. The courses each contain six interactive scenarios in which the learner must make decisions in a variety of culturally-tense situations. As in real-life, there are no right or wrong answers. Learners receive feedback through a cultural risk meter that indicates whether their choice has increased or decreased cultural tensions between the local people and the foreign forces.

To support them in making the best choice, learners have access to context-specific material that provides guidance on key cultural areas such as the treatment of women or the importance of honour in Iraqi and Afghan culture. For learners who want to find out more, a reference area provides access to a range of DETS(A) materials (including language cards, guides, and a bibliography related to the two countries). The programme also contains Commander's briefing notes and a PowerPoint™ presentation that mirrors the eLearning courseware in presentation form.

Major Pete Cottrell, the project manager, says of the programme's development, "LINE Communications has encapsulated the Army's requirements with an excellent instructionally designed piece of courseware. Throughout the development process, LINE has met the Army's needs and adapted to our changing requirements to deliver an outstanding product, on time and on budget."

Keith Downes, who oversees LINE's Defence business says, "This important programme presented LINE with an ideal platform to showcase how technology can add real value to the learning experience. We needed to create courseware that is truly challenging, informative, and highly enjoyable to keep the learners engaged. Because of the very nature of cultural awareness, where interpretations are so personal and subjective, eLearning proves itself invaluable by enabling learners a wide berth for safe-failure."