Vocational Training

Mobile Learning Standards - 2009 Out Now!

Brisbane (AU), March 2009 - The key issues of affordability, accessibility, and interoperability feature in the revised Mobile Learning Standards (M-standards), as the vocational education and training (VET) sector seeks to keep pace with rapid technological advances in m-learning.

For the first time, the standards include guidelines for RFID (radio frequency identification) technology, as registered training organisations (RTOs) look to meet the demand for just-in-time learning and on-the-job training.

Published by the national training system's eLearning strategy, the Australian Flexible Learning Framework, M-standards set a national baseline for m-learning that involves technologies such as mobile phones and gaming devices, PDAs (personal digital assistants), and MP3 players.

Designed for use by teachers, trainers, and IT developers, M-standards provide information on operating systems, standards to optimise the use of mobile devices, and guidance on the hardware and software platforms to support m-learning. Teachers and trainers can also access the Teacher/Trainer ELearning Toolkit, which provides a snapshot of essential e-tools and applications for the VET sector.

The Framework's E-standards for Training Business Manager, Owen O'Neill, says the standards and Toolkit are essential operating documents for anyone working in mobile learning.

"M-standards are designed to help IT developers ensure m-learning reliability by setting national standards for mobile learning devices and operating systems. The Toolkit is a quick, easy-to-use resource for time-poor teachers and trainers, and provides a short, straightforward list of 'must have' web and desktop tools for using eLearning effectively."