Now available

Release 3.0 of IMC's authoring tool LECTURNITY

Saarbruecken/Sevenoaks, June 2008 - IMC AG, one of Europe's supplier of learning technologies, has just released an updated version of its interactive rapid authoring tool LECTURNITY. In comparison to its predecessor, LECTURNITY 3.0 offers a simplified "One-click Publisher" function for publishing content in various formats.

"With this release we have gone one step further towards making content authoring routine daily business for everyone", says Frank Milius, responsible for product development at IMC. "Our vision is to make the production of electronic content as simple as writing an email. With its new publishing features, content authoring with LECTURNITY 3.0 has become even simpler."

Real progress has been made with the introduction of the "One-click Publisher". When converting content into various file formats (e.g. Windows Media, Real Media, Flash, or MP 4), several technical settings, such as video resolutions, audio sample rates, bandwidth and compression, have to be defined. Up to now, users have had to customise these settings every time they were ready to publish content, and this was a time- consuming process.

LECTURNITY 3.0 simplifies the publishing process and saves time by enabling the creation and configuration of publishing profiles. A profile covers all the necessary settings for the publishing process, including those for server transfer. Once a profile is created and activated, a single click is sufficient to create content in a pre-defined target format and to transfer it to a folder or a server.

"This new function is consistent with our understanding of 'simplexity'", says Milius. "Formerly complex actions have been simplified to a degree that is extremely user friendly without compromising functionality." The new Profile Manager allows users to edit, rename, delete, or activate profiles. Using the import/export function, profiles can be transferred from or to other LECTURNITY systems in order to ensure standardised publishing in a work group or department.

Extended Upload Functionality

The LECTURNITY 3.0 Publisher now offers a "one-click" upload process for all target formats and different server types (streaming server, Web server, file server, Podcast server, etc.). The server transfer, especially the server upload, automatically starts after the creation of the target document. In order to cover arbitrary application areas, the Publisher provides the network services "FTP", "SCP", and "SFTP" for the data transfer (upload) as well as authenticated server access.

For publishing variants in which more than one server is necessary, such as with streaming or Podcasts, the Publisher simultaneously distributes the document to the required destinations. The simplified LECTURNITY 3.0 publishing process now consists of both document creation in the selected target format and the optional transfer (upload) to remote servers, all in one click.