
Future Use of Technology within Work-based Learning

Bristol (UK), August 2007 - The Association of Learning Providers (ALP) recently undertook a national survey into the use and impact of eLearning and technology within work-based learning training programmes on behalf of the Learning and Skills Council. A total of 508 government-funded learners were interviewed by telephone, and over half of the responders agreed they would like to use more technology as part of their learning programme.

The report presents the findings of a survey of learners participating in Learning and Skills Council funded Apprenticeship and Entry to Employment (E2E) programmes undertaken during March 2007. The survey was commissioned by the Association of Learning Providers with funding from the Learning and Skills Council. The research was undertaken by The Mackinnon Partnership in partnership with ACT2 Research.

The research aimed to identify:

  • the extent to which learners have access to and use ICT and eLearning
  • what learners are using ICT and eLearning for and how useful they think it is
  • learners' views on the value of using technology in their learning programmes

One of the results was that over half of all those queried stated they would like to use technology more as part of their learning programme. E2E learners are more likely than apprentices to want to use technology more.

The findings show most learners think technology has a positive impact on their learning experience. The majority believe they have sufficient access to a computer and the internet to enable them to undertake their learning programme effectively.