
Language Training for Every Step of the Way!

Cologne (GER), November 2007 - Not only do Auralog offer TELL ME MORE® Corporate for businesses and TELL ME MORE® Education for schools, but the firm have recently developed TELL ME MORE® Campus for higher education. Auralog also offer specific online language learning portals for schools, academic institutions, and businesses.

Nowadays, even schoolchildren are aware of the importance of foreign languages. They have become part of everyday life as they are learnt from an early age.

University students and graduates are now finding solid foreign language knowledge to be vital. It happens quite often, for instance, that the materials needed for their studies are only available in the original language. Once they start looking for a job, they realise that they have no real chance in the labour market without foreign language skills.

With Germany being one of the world's major exporting countries, numerous German businesses operate on an international scale, and a large number of those that do, do not use German as their in-house corporate language. Constant international exchanges require employees to meet new challenges every day, and lack of foreign-language knowledge could become an obstacle in one's career path.

Learning a language is not something that can be achieved overnight; it requires determination, perseverance, and continuity - and good tools. Even acquired knowledge must be brushed up on from time to time, and beyond the learning phase, maintaining a language is a lifelong task. Therefore, Auralog provides its target groups with the possibility of permanent access to TELL ME MORE® methods.

As the worldwide leading supplier of language software, Auralog understands the importance and necessity of being able to study, practice, and ultimately learn languages anywhere and at anytime. Auralog meets the needs of pupils, students, and employees with three different online portals, thus accompanying them in the language-learning process throughout their lives.

All three online portals are unique in that they are tailor made to the requirements of each target group. Nevertheless, the "look" and "feel" of TELL ME MORE® remains the same and guarantees ease of use.

This year's TELL ME MORE® Campus deserves special attention. The online portal specifically developed for the higher education market is remarkable in both its simplicity and its complexity. Why simple? It enables students to log in to their user profile from anywhere at anytime. Also, thanks to Auralog's technical know-how, the implementation in academic institutions runs smoothly. Why complex? With the TELL ME MORE® Campus tools, various concepts can be put into practice, ranging from self-learning to blended training, depending on what is implemented by the individual academic institutions.