Mobile Learning

Mohive: First in Europe to Offer eLearning by iPhone

Oslo (NO), July 2008 - Training on the go is about to get a whole lot easier thanks to Mohive's decision this month to incorporate the possibility to export into the iPhone into its award-winning platform, the company announced recently.

The new mobile capability allows company training managers to offer end-users high-definition interactive learning content, video, and graphics via iPhones without adding any additional steps to existing content-creation processes. End-users choosing Mohive for iPhone versions of their course material simply point their iPhone browser to a designated link and view the content.

"The introduction of Apple's iPhone has dramatically boosted the potential for mobile learning in the markets we operate in", says Mohive CEO Lars Unneberg. "Traditional barriers to effective mobile learning, like low quality video or clunky, unpredictable interfaces have been overcome in the iPhone to deliver a platform we can trust to support a compelling user experience that leverages Mohive's rich video content and interactive elements."

The initial focuses for Mohive's new eLearning strategy will be healthcare, transportation, and retail, where the rapid-eLearning specialist believes demand will mature fastest. "Healthcare is spearheading take-up of mobile learning globally, but other sectors are gathering pace fast. About twenty percent of all m-learning applications developed in the US today are for the healthcare sector, and we expect to see a similar trend unfold in across Europe as mobile learning goes mainstream", explains Lars Unneberg.

Mohive's decision to introduce iPhone-compatible learning comes just days before the European release of Apple's new iPhone 3G. Available in Europe from July 11, the latest iPhone is priced more competitively than previous versions ($199) and offers even faster downloads (iPhone 3G downloads about three times faster than existing 2G versions).

The first example of Mohive for iPhone m-learning was launched during the business user-group summit in June.