Educational Podcast

Xyleme Announces the Launch of Voices

Boulder, CO (USA), April 2008 - Xyleme® Inc., provider of 100% XML, SCORM 2004-certified learning solutions has announced the launch of Voices, an educational podcast series featuring interviews with today's top analysts, consultants, and practitioners in the field of learning.

In the Voices series, experts discuss key issues affecting the evolution of training and their ramifications on how users learn and perform. Voices' introductory podcast features Bryan Chapman, Chief Learning Strategist at Chapman Alliance, discussing one of the biggest trends he sees today: the concept of single sourcing for advanced reusability. Voices also speaks with Dr. Allison Rossett from San Diego State University about different forms of performance support. She introduces "sidekicks" and planners support tools from her new book, 'Job Aids and Performance Support: Moving from Knowledge in the Classroom to Knowledge Everywhere.'

Voices is committed to providing a comprehensive, unbiased discussion of topics pertinent to the training industry. The series is ongoing, with new podcasts to be introduced each month. In April, the podcast series features Elliott Masie, founder of the MASIE Center and leader of the highly regarded Learning Consortium, giving his views on the topic everyone is talking about, informal learning. April will also feature performance- support guru Dr. Conrad Gottfredson providing tips on how to create an orchestrated set of performance-support tools to meet each learner's moment of need.

"We view Voices as an important tool in the industry for gathering information from multiple experts across a wide range of training topics-, said Mark Hellinger, President and CEO of Xyleme. "With over 300 downloads in Voices' first week, we are grateful for the tremendous response we have received from both our participants and the listening audience."

Voices podcast library is located at All individual podcasts are available for download and comments. The library also provides links to participants' websites, as well as links to any materials mentioned during audio podcast.