Non-profit Organisation

Giunti Labs' CEO joins the IMS Global Learning Consortium

Lake Mary, FL (USA), October 2008 - Fabrizio Cardinali, CEO of learning and mobile content management solution provider Giunti Labs and co-chair of the European Learning Industry Group (ELIG), has been appointed to the Board of Directors of IMS Global Learning Consortium (IMS GLC).

IMS GLC is a global, non-profit, member organisation that encourages and enables the growth and impact of learning technology in the education and corporate learning sectors worldwide. IMS Global members provide leadership in shaping and growing the learning industry through community development of interoperability and adoption practice standards as well as recognition of the return on investment from learning and educational technology.

IMS has approved and published over twenty standards that are the most widely used learning-technology standards in the world. IMS GLC standards include meta-data, content packaging, common cartridge, enterprise services, question and test, sequencing, competencies, access for all, e-portfolios, learner information, tools interoperability, resource list, sharable state persistence, vocabulary definition, and learning design.

These standards have been used in higher education, K-12 education, and corporate training in regions around the globe. All IMS GLC standards are available free of charge via the IMS GLC website and can be used without royalty.

Cardinali commented: "Over the last eleven years, IMS GLC has been tireless in establishing a raft of internationally accepted learning technology standards. In doing so, it has provided stability and standardisation, which have enabled the learning-technology industry to establish itself and make an increasingly valuable contribution to the private, public, and education sectors of the worldwide economy."

"I am honoured to have been asked to join this organisation's Board and look forward to helping it achieve its objectives in the years to come."