New Chair

Jim Davidson Hands the FLAG to Rod Arthur

Brisbane (AU), May 2009 - Jim Davidson recently stepped down as Chair of the Flexible Learning Advisory Group (FLAG), which manages the national training system's eLearning strategy, the Australian Flexible Learning Framework (Framework). He had been at the helm more than six years.

In his role as Chair, Jim led the vocational education and training (VET) sector in helping registered training organisations (RTOs), business, industry, and learners to embrace, adopt, and embed eLearning practices and technologies, to achieve outcomes that benefit businesses and individuals. Rod Arthur, Deputy Director-General, Training Queensland for the Queensland Department of Education and Training will step into the role of Chair, as Jim takes up a new position as Managing Director of TVET Australia.

In his last interview as Chair, Jim observed that the Framework is well placed to support eLearning innovation, leadership, and collaboration in VET, as highlighted in a recent report from the OECD.

"The Framework has achieved many great successes in the drive to provide Australian business, industry, and learners with greater choice and control over the time, place, and delivery of training. This includes developing a national system for e-standards; creating LORN, an online portal for exchanging education and training resources; and recognising a new future that includes learner and RTO-recognised e-portfolios."

"I welcome Rod as the Chair of FLAG and recognise that his state role, coupled with his work on COAG, brings to FLAG an opportunity to further position VET's role in addressing the Bradley Report, which highlights how eLearning can enhance a national cross-sectoral qualification perspective."

In accepting the Chair role, Rod Arthur brings to the Framework over thirty years' experience across the secondary and VET sectors in a range of leadership roles at both a state and national level. Rod's experience includes having served as Queensland's representative for FLAG from 2002 - 2006, before taking up his current role as Deputy Director-General, Training Queensland.

"I'm excited to step into the role of FLAG Chair and look forward to providing the VET sector with direction on using eLearning to address the education and training and delivery needs of RTOs, which more importantly takes into consideration how we support learner needs", Mr Arthur said.