Resource Management

Swiss Hospital Chooses IMC AG's LIVECONTEXT

Saarbrücken (GER)/Wallisellen (CH), May 2009 - The Swiss Hospital Bruderholz (KSB) is to take advantage of the benefits provided by LIVECONTEXT for its future delivery and resource management. IMC AG's "Electronic Performance Support System" will be implemented for the production and administration of patient schedules.

Over 1,500 employees at the hospital are to receive training, and many rooms and medical devices need to be integrated into the system. "Operation dates, treatment rooms, and expensive therapies must be coordinated according to requirements, and the services provided must be correctly identified", explains KSB project manager Regina Thüroff. "The most important aim is to plan treatments in the optimal way for the benefit of our patients."

Corresponding software systems make this work easier - as long as adequate support is provided. "LIVECONTEXT, with its context-sensitive support, will significantly contribute towards an even more effective use of our software systems in the area of resource planning", explains the project manager.

Until now, KSB has managed training for this complex resource-planning software with the help of web-based training (WBT). The cost of this training was immense. Of particular concern were the high costs for search processes employed to find the correct learning sequence within the comprehensive WBTs. "Our colleagues no longer need to search for the correct topic in the WBT, as they can find the information directly using the current hospital software display. This will increase usability and efficiency", comments Thüroff.

LIVECONTEXT integrates learning into the workplace and provides knowledge exactly where it is required: within the respective application as part of a concrete working process and with no media transfer. LIVECONTEXT recognises all windows, screen forms, and data-entry fields during application and provides the required support at precisely these critical moments.

Unnecessary storage of learning content is avoided and replaced by "learning on demand". The context-specific courses provided can be accessed directly as required without having to leave the respective software and working environment. "A person who is able to access the right support at the right time and place will make fewer errors", explains Dr. Wolfgang Kraemer, CEO of IMC AG. "LIVECONTEXT therefore significantly increases user acceptance and ensures that the investments in software systems are actually worthwhile."