Medical Simulation

Simbionix Offers New Product for OB/GYN Physicians

Cleveland, OH (USA)/Zurich (CH), June 2009 - Simbionix and VirtaMed have joined forces to provide OB/GYN surgeons with the most advanced training system for endoscopic surgery. The new VirtaMed HystSim™ simulator adds hysteroscopy to Simbionix's impressive line of medical simulation and eLearning products.

Simbionix already offers a wide spectrum of simulators for minimal invasive surgery. "This new agreement further expands our product offering", says Simbionix CEO Gary Zamler. "The addition of the HystSim simulator, along with our recently launched laparoscopic surgery module for gynaecology, shows how seriously Simbionix is investing in women's healthcare issues".

Simbionix' president and founder, Ran Bronstein, adds, "Our simulation technology is definitely a revolution in the world of medical training and assessment. We are happy to be working together with VirtaMed, a company as committed to technology and simulation quality as we are. Simbionix will keep increasing its product offering to the medical community and bring quality and service to its customers and partners."

"VirtaMed is thrilled to be working together with Simbionix, the market leader in surgical simulation", adds VirtaMed CEO Stefan Tuchschmid. "Simbionix is a partner that will ensure the HystSim simulator is available globally. We truly appreciate Simbionix' commitment to provide the best possible training for surgeons in every field."