Labour Market

Learning Light Helps Create Jobs

Sheffield (UK), April 2010 - Learning Light's business contacts and facilitation skills have helped its client companies in the field of corporate eLearning to create a 'significant number of jobs' in the last twelve months.

According to David Patterson, of Learning Light, a company that focuses on promoting the use of eLearning and learning technologies, "Our main activity is 'delivering business interventions' on behalf of organisations in the corporate eLearning world that are based in the Yorkshire and Humberside region. This region now arguably houses the largest concentration of eLearning developers in the UK - having recently taken over top spot from the sector's 'traditional' heartland in the Brighton area."

"Not only have we been able to use our business contacts with eLearning buyers and suppliers around the world to help create jobs in this region, but we have also helped one eLearning company - based in Keighley, West Yorkshire - to expand its operations by opening an office in Philadelphia in the USA", he adds.

Steve Ash, Director of Sales and Marketing at LINE Communications comments, "The support we have had from Learning Light has resulted in a number of new clients working with LINE. This has contributed to LINE's recognition as being the UK market leader for bespoke eLearning solutions."

"Learning Light has had a dramatic, positive impact on our business", says Patrick Fitzpatrick of PTK Learning. "PTK Learning is a young, ambitious eLearning company, which now has a talented project team thanks to Learning Light's support and assistance. Over the last twelve months, we have recruited six project delivery staff - and we expect to at least double this over the next year. We are looking forward to continuing the very strong relationship we have with Learning Light for the foreseeable future."

Steve Rayson, a partner at the award-winning eLearning solutions provider, Kineo, adds, "We decided to set up an office in Sheffield after discussions with Learning Light, who were very helpful and supportive. The decision has been highly beneficial, as we were able to recruit a great team from the local area, which we are continuing to grow."